Would be great to add highlights to the paper by clicking airpods
Just as there is a Zotero integration,it would be nice to have one for EndNote too.
Increase number of OA papers available on platform
If I want to look for references or check acknowledgments I will scan document. Having it auto end after I read my key sections would save the frustration of being in the middle of something and having the bot start reading a long list of mundane references.
User request
Hello, My papers say they've been uploading for days and have not yet finished. What should I do? Thank you!
Remove papers from folders
currently only jumps of 0.25%. allow for finer tuning
dont read out loud the citations in the text, or at least have the option to toggle this and choose wether to read or not.
Please make renaming possible of a note category
I love this app, I use it a lot, however, a search bar would really help with functionality!
In the browser the text is highlighted when read, not in the app. There is also no auto-scroll.
Allow texts to be listened to in Spanish or English once they have been uploaded. Currently, they can only be heard in the language selected at the beginning. It would be very beneficial to choose the language and switch between Spanish and English without needing to re-upload the file
I like the new read-along feature, but I find the highlight color is too close to my preferred background color and the contrast is quite poor, so it often takes me a second to locate it as its reading. I would appreciate some color options, possibly for both the highlight background color and the highlighted word color.
It would be nice to differentiate each research paper with its own front page image
I would much prefer to have a desktop app instead of using my browser every time
Cรณmo lograr una noticia respondiendo todas las preguntas y focalizar en las ventajas de la IA
During academic terms that may be practicums or have no need for the service, it would be ideal to have an option to plan a pause on the subscription vs keep paying and not using it, or deleting and signing up again.
Need the ability to keep listening in areas with poor connectivity
Ability to email a link to the pdf on arxiv and have it show up in our library