Allow the option to read in-text citations aloud

Jaq Honey
Jaq Honey

I encounter many sentences in the papers I read that include an author's name as part of the text (e.g. Name and Name (2019) described the phenomena as unexpected.) - the voice skips reading anything that looks like a reference or in-text citation, so all I hear is "described the phenomena as unexpected." without the important indication of the subject of the sentence. Also, I like hearing the citations because it tells me what claims are supported by other authors, what came from the authors of this paper alone, and what year the claim was made (a citation from 1978 may hold less scientific weight than a citation from 2023) - skipping over them removes that context. I understand that not everyone would want this, but allowing the option to include names (even if they are awkwardly mispronounced) and years would greatly improve my experience.