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Option to correct word pronunciation

Brendan Terry
Brendan Terry

In the Voice Dream Reader app, you can select a mispronounced word, type in the correct pronunciation, hit a play button to check how what you typed is pronounced by the reader, and then save that pronunciation. This would be a useful feature in Audemic.


Yes also I am trialling this and the voice recognised the concentration as g/L rather than micrograms/L. If you are not watching the screen and just listening this is a critical error. Also in medicine we have a lot of acronyms for trials and diagnostics. The voice tells each letter singularly rather than as one word - MERINO trials for example as M E R I N O. It's a bit irritating...


Yes, please! Having to "translate" mispronounced terms in my mind as I listen makes listening and learning harder. This is counter to the reason why I am considering purchasing the paid version!

Please make this feature available to us. It is critical for our use and imperative to your business.

Lindsay Rondot
Lindsay Rondot

This would be great ! And quite frankly it would make the difference between using the app or not

Declan Pigeaud
Declan Pigeaud

This is absolutely critical for so many fields. TTS struggles quite a bit to pronounce taxonomic nomenclature correctly, so the ability to manually do this would be fantastic.

Brian Sutton
Brian Sutton

I agree. I really like the idea of this app, but it has some issues with pronunciation. For example, if the app comes across Ca2+ (calcium ion), the Audemic speech engine will interpret it as "CAAH".
Literal pronunciation of technical words often defeats the purpose of having the computer read papers to me in the first place. If the users could correct the pronunciation of common technical words, Audemic could compile a nice library of properly pronounced words for their user base.

Renee Niles
Renee Niles

Yes, this is a necessity. I have only tried this out on one paper, and within the first section, I found that I needed to keep going back and listen to the same passage several times because of mispronounced words or abbreviations that made it impossible to follow what the passage was about to the point that just reading the text myself would be more efficient even though I read extremely slowly (hence my investigation into this service). I am currently using the free version, but unless this kind of feature is added, I won't be upgrading to the paid version.