It would be great to be able to modify (delete or type) parts of the text. This would allow me to correct mistakes such as reading the figure legends in the middle of the text.
This bug can be seen by uploading the following paper: Wickramage et al., SINE RNA of the imprinted miRNA clusters mediates constitutive type III interferon expression and antiviral protection in hemochorial placentas, Cell Host & Microbe (2023),
Add support to read from url with html
Allow drag-and-drop uploading on PC/Mac. I have my references sorted by research project and not being able to drag and drop from file managers is tiresome. This is a fairly ubiquitous feature nowadays and it's strange that this isn't already possible on Audemic.
I just cant figure out how to operate them. How do I start? I have named the board, and I have not figured out how to use it.
It would be helpful, especially for students, to be able to retrieve the definition of a word by right-clicking. It could be on the same menu as "highlight" but only available if a single word is highlighted. The definition could populate on a side-panel, as a chat bubble, or something similar.
A few papers I've uploaded Audemic has not recognized the Introduction Section. Presumably, this is because the journal format does not include a section header after the abstract that says explicitly "Introduction". Because of this, all of the introduction is omitted, so no text is recognized by Audmic between the abstract a...
On longer recordings (e.g., >60 min), no audio plays no matter how long you let it sit there "trying" to load it.
When listening to a text the 'reading of the text' suddenly cuts off in the middle of a sentence and generating of audio for next chapter begins.
can we add a paypal option
It would be a great quality of life improvement to be able to see citation details (name, author, year etc.) by hovering over the citation number in text. Extra points for making a "copy to clipboard" or "search google scholar" -buttons.
I use Audemic only for commuting to work, mostly by bicycle. I would often like to add notes as I listen to certain points, but it is not feasible to type while I am commuting. Please add an option to add notes by voice. This would primarily mean saving audio notes, though speech-to-text would be a nice option, maybe for late...
Upload papers to Audemic from ReadCube
The tutorial video plays every time. And it restarts whenever I click on Notes/Profile/Papers, etc., even when I close the video.
The section will be 7 minutes but the bar at the bottom can only be adjusted at to 1 min before maxing out
Reading text written in other languages would be appreciated (no translation: for example, reading aloud a text written in French).
Abstract is incomplete
why dont you read subfigures instead of just saying figure, by doing this your are taking out the essence of your platform
The program is incorporating text that is in the sidebar (like definitions or the doi) into the main body of text. It is also just randomly inserting it in paragraphs instead of reading it separately.
When I uploaded the pdf some lines were skipped in the middle of the text at random.