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Handling of footnotes, headers, and footers

In Progress

In the papers I have tested in Audemic so far, all of them have had some degree of difficulty correctly parsing footnotes and recurring page headers and footers (e.g. Journal title, date, publishing info). This text should be ignored in the transcripts, but is often included. Behavior is inconsistent document to document. I...


Two-column formatted PDFs do not parse correctly

In my experience, papers formatted in two columns are not parsed correctly and the transcript reads directly across the page, skipping from column to column. As this layout is very common in academic papers, it really limits the PDFs that are usable in Audemic.


Combine sections processed paper

Often the PDF files I upload are not correctly parsed into their sections. Sometimes a random heading is converted into a section and I would like to be able to embed it back into its correct section. This is especially true in the results section.


Proper pronunciation of scientific words and other issues

I haven't been using this for that long, but I have already noticed some mispronunciations. For example, the abbreviation for Ancient DNA is aDNA and is being verbalized as an entire word instead of a-DNA. The word allele and all variations of the word (ie allelic, alleles, etc) are also being mispronounced. Allele is occasio...


Include a tutorial for how to use boards

In Progress

I just cant figure out how to operate them. How do I start? I have named the board, and I have not figured out how to use it.


Skipping lines

When I uploaded the pdf some lines were skipped in the middle of the text at random.


Poor continuous play on samsung mobile

I use an android and the Samsung web client. When I play the text the reading most often keeps going for 2-3 minutes and then stops. Every now and then, however, it continues to read the text for long periods of time. I can't figure out what determines how long it plays. It would be nice if that was transparent and possible t...


Supporting papers not using conventional heading system

Hi, Discussion papers with non-typical headings are not picked up in Audemic. Take DOI: 10.1177/1077800413513733 for example. It picks up the Abstract, and jumps straight to Conclusion without picking up any of the body of the paper as there is no Introduction, Methods or Results section clearly defined by a heading. How c...


days uploading

In Progress

Hello, My papers say they've been uploading for days and have not yet finished. What should I do? Thank you!


Somewhat buggy - not the productivity tool I was hoping for

I fully support the concept of a scholarly document reader, but during my one-week trial, I encountered three significant issues that led me to cancel: 1. Choppy Audio Experience: The audio frequently stopped unless I was in an area with a strong WiFi or cellular connection. Each section of the paper seemed to load inde...


Connecting computer and phone accounts

Made an account online but can't seem to connect it onto the mobile device. It just makes separate accounts despite using the same email to login.


Few errors, has greatly improved my comprehension

I've submitted a bug report and a feature request but I also would like to leave some positive feedback & let y'all know how much I appreciate Audemic and how much it has improved my experience at work and school. I have a hard time focusing for any substantial length of time on a research paper or textbook chapter when I...



Discovered your product during Vivatech event. Very impressive idea ! Hope you will have time to develop a mobile app soon